Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo

List of Courses

Administrative Information Systems

  • Course Code :
    CSC 302
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Department of Public Administration

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

This course deals with applications of specialized software on different administrative systems, quantification of administrative phenomena and its application on both local and central levels. In addition, students study information creation, dissemination and sharing, problems solving approach to IS, problem analysis, basic IS applications, organizational systems, knowledge work systems, information support systems. Course Goals: • Identify the conceptual foundations of management information systems. • Discover the role of information as a major management resource in modern business organizations. • Emphasize organization environment, technology, decision models, and performance evaluation as the major determinants of management information systems success. • Classify the different types of computerized information systems in use of modern business organizations.

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Administrative Information Systems

This course deals with applications of specialized software on different administrative systems, quantification of administrative phenomena and its application on both local and central levels. In addition, students study information creation, dissemination and sharing, problems solving approach to IS, problem analysis, basic IS applications, organizational systems, knowledge work systems, information support systems.

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Administrative Information Systems

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Understand concepts and processes used in doing business.
2- Identify specialized software on the different administrative systems.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Analyze security issues and networks; Internets, intranets and extranets; business models and e-commerce.
2- Evaluate quantification of administrative phenomena and its application on both local and central levels.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Apply information systems on modern business organizations, including transaction processing system.
2- Combine and use different administrative and technical skills through the application of specialized software on the different administrative systems

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Attain needed skills for problem solving approach to information system.
2- Develop innovation skills and technical know-how.

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Administrative Information Systems

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Course Outline and Introduction on Business Information Systems 3 1
E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems 3 1
E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems Online Quiz 1 3 1
Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems 3 1
Telecommunications 3 1
Mid Term Exam 1
The Internet 3 1
Wireless Technology 3 1
Enterprise Applications 3 1
E-Commerce 3 1
E-Commerce (Cont.) Online Quiz 2 3 1
Digital Markets 3 1
Digital Markets (Cont.) 3 1
Digital Goods 3 1
Final Exam 1

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Administrative Information Systems

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Data show and computer in lectures
Demonstration videos
Group discussion
Research Paper

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Administrative Information Systems

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Course Work (Attendance, Participation, Assignments, Quizzes, Research Paper…) 30.00 To assess understanding and theoretical background of the intellectual and practical skills.
Final Exam 40.00 15 To assess knowledge and intellectual skills.
Midterm Exam(s) 30.00 6 To assess professional skills.

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Administrative Information Systems


Book Author Publisher

Recommended books :

Periodicals :

Vladimir Simovic, Case Study: an Information System Management Model, Management Information Systems, Vol.7, No.1, 2012.

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