- الكود :
CSC 101
- المستوى :
بيانات المقرر
- ساعات المقرر :
- القسم :
University Requirments
بيانات المحتضر :
المجال التعليمى :
Introduction to information technology: an introduction to digital world –The internet and the world wide Web: exploring Cyberspace –Software: tools for productivity and creativity –Hardware: CPU and storage system –Input and Output: taking charge of computing and communications –Communication, networks –Personal technology –Databases and information systems: digital engines for today's economy –Challenges of the digital age: society and information technology –System analysis and programming: software development, programming and languages.
Course Goals:
• Introduce to the world of computers and internet.
• Allow students to appreciate the importance of the field and its modern day challenges.
• Acquire working information about the computer and internet.
• Understand the importance of technology in building up economies.
• Assess the challenges facing the world in the digital age.
لمزيد من المعلومات :
Introduction to information technology: an introduction to digital world –The internet and the world wide Web: exploring Cyberspace –Software: tools for productivity and creativity –Hardware: CPU and storage system –Input and Output: taking charge of computing and communications –Communication, networks –Personal technology –Databases and information systems: digital engines for today's economy –Chalenges of the digital age: society and information technology –System analysis and programming: software development, programming and languages.
لمزيد من المعلومات :