- الكود :
SCT 101
- المستوى :
بيانات المقرر
- ساعات المقرر :
- القسم :
University Requirments
بيانات المحتضر :
المجال التعليمى :
This course provides students with basic understanding of scientific thinking. Students will be given exposure to the concepts, terminology, principles and theories that comprise a course in thinking scientifically. Topics covered are to synthesize the broad range of knowledge about thinking scientifically, to emphasize research methodology, to encourage critical thinking, and to convey a scientific as well as systematic approach to think over a concept.
Course Goals:
• Orient the mindset of the students towards a scientific one that uses the appropriate logical and academic methods in conducting research in addition.
• Think in a creative and critical manner.
• Work effectively with diverse populations.
• Promote inclusive and therapeutic environments.
لمزيد من المعلومات :
This course provides students with basic understanding of scientific thinking. Students will be exposed to concepts, terminology, principles and theories that comprise a course in thinking scientifically. Topics covered are to synthesize the broad range of knowledge about thinking scientifically, to emphasize research methodology, to encourage critical thinking, and to convey a scientific as well as systematic approach to think over a concept
لمزيد من المعلومات :