- الكود :
REM 301
- المستوى :
بيانات المقرر
- ساعات المقرر :
- القسم :
Department of Political Mass Media
بيانات المحتضر :
المجال التعليمى :
Ahead of entering their senior year, students are allowed an opportunity to gain three elective credit hours through conducting an internship that gives them a hands-on experience of their academic knowledge at FEPS or take part in a student-based simulation model of an international organization. The internship should be conducted in established entities related to the students' major that would help students implement their theoretically accumulated understanding of the field and prepare them for a better engagement in the work environment. A minimum of 120 working hours are required to earn the 3 credit hours for the internship. As for the simulations, students are expected to take part in a model of international or local entities that would give them the ability to understand the different regulations and decision-making mechanism in real-life. Earning the three credit hours of this course require a final appraisal report for the student by the sponsoring entity.
Course Goals:
• Apply the theoretically accumulated understanding on the work field.
• Understand the different regulations and decision-making mechanism in real-life
• Create better engagement in the work environment.
لمزيد من المعلومات :
Ahead of entering their senior year, students are allowed an opportunity to gain three elective credit hours through conducting an internship that gives them a hands-on experience of their academic knowledge at FEPS or taking part in a student-based simulation model of an international organization. The internship should be conducted in established entities related to the students' major that would help students implement their theoretically accumulated understanding of the field and prepare them for a better engagement in the work environment. A minimum of 120 working hours are required to earn the 3 credit hours for the internship. As for the simulations, students are expected to take part in a model of international or local entities that would give them the ability to understand the different regulations and decision-making mechanisms in real-life. Earning the three credit hours of this course requires a final appraisal report for the student by the sponsoring entity.
لمزيد من المعلومات :