Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo

Course List

Management of Investment

  • الكود :
    PAD 307
  • المستوى :
    بيانات المقرر
  • ساعات المقرر :
    3.00 ساعة
  • القسم :
    Department of Public Administration

بيانات المحتضر :

المجال التعليمى :

This course concentrates on financial markets and their instruments, as well as investment strategies. It distinguishes between foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) highlighting administrative requirements for FDI in the Egyptian case as well as introducing different methods of portfolio diversification, optimization, risk and performance measurement, and risk management. Moreover, the course covers active fund management. Course Goals: • Study financial markets, direct and indirect finance. • Present LDCs' main objectives to attract Foreign Direct Investment. • Identify the important determinants to select a location for FDI • Explain FDI and growth, international trade, and technology transfer. • Discuss requirements for the flow of foreign direct investment. • Study investment Policy and Management in Egypt. • Present the legal framework and investment modules in Egypt.

لمزيد من المعلومات :

Management of Investment

This course concentrates on financial markets and their instruments, as well as investment strategies. It distinguishes between foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) highlighting administrative requirements for FDI in the Egyptian case as well as introducing different methods of portfolio diversification, optimization, risk and performance measurement, and risk management. Moreover, the course covers active fund management.

لمزيد من المعلومات :

Management of Investment

نتائج المقرر:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Outline basic structure of financial markets, direct and indirect finance.
2- Recognize the importance of foreign direct investment FDI as the most important international capital flow.
3- Identify the key objectives of FDI, the determinants to attract FDI, FDI and growth, international trade linkages and FDI and technology transfer.
4- Achieve full knowledge on investment in Egypt, policies used, management criteria and different investment models.
5- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of capital inflows and outflows.
6- Understand the importance of investment in a country’s economy.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Analyze the characteristics of the financial system, focusing on investment strategies.
2- Link investment with economic development, macroeconomics, international trade and other social branches to facilitate the decision making process.
3- Differentiate between bilateral and multilateral investment agreements.
4- Infer on financial crises, being able to identify the main sources and the policies and institutional reforms that have to be adopted to mitigate its adverse effects and prevent reoccurrence
5- Subdivide differences between investment strategies in developed and emerging countries.
6- Examine different data analysis techniques in analyzing and interpreting international economic phenomenon such prose, tables, and graphs.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Model different management schemes for different investment activities.
2- Produce basic investment evaluations to understand country performance.
3- Use both qualitative and quantitative skills in solving economic problems.
4- Contribute in decision making by acquiring important skills in numeracy, literacy, and information processing.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Experience with conceptual frameworks effective for problem solving and decision making.
2- Acquire analytical reasoning skills, numeric and clear effective communication skills.
3- Test the ability of students to work under pressure and as part of a team.
4- Read and analyze financial news and reports including stock market prices, foreign exchange rate prices.

لمزيد من المعلومات :

Management of Investment

موضوعات المقرر ومحتواه:

الموضوع عدد الساعات المحاضر عملى /نظرى
Introductory lecture and course outline - Trends in Global & Regional FDI Flows, IMF, 2002 3 1
Private Capital Flows and Growth, IMF, Finance & Development 3 1
Chapter 1, 3 Determinants of FDI for Development, OECD text 3 1
Chapter 4: FDI and Growth, OECD. 3 1
Chapter 4: FDI and Foreign Trade Linkages, OECD text 6 2
Mid-term Exam 1
Chapter 5: FDI and Technology Transfer, OECD 6 2
Investment Policy in Egypt 3 1
Modules of Investment in Egypt 3 1
Legal Framework of Investment in Egypt 3 1
Investment Management in Egypt 3 1
Bilateral & Multilateral Investment Agreements 3 1
Final Exam 1

لمزيد من المعلومات :

Management of Investment

التعليم والمناهج:

طريقة التعليم
Data show and computer in lectures
Demonstration videos
Group discussion
Research Paper

منهجية التعليم :

Management of Investment

تقييم الكورس :

طريقة التقييم الوزن النسبى % رقم الاسبوع ماذا تقيم ؟
Course Work (Attendance, Participation, Assignments, Quizzes, Research Paper…) 30.00 To assess understanding and theoretical background of the intellectual and practical skills.
Final Exam 40.00 15 To assess knowledge and intellectual skills.
Midterm Exam(s) 30.00 7 To assess professional skills.

الوزن النسبى :

Management of Investment


الكتاب المؤلف الناشر

ملاحظات المقرر :

International Monetary Fund, Finance & Developments, various issues on Foreign Direct Investment.

الكتب المرشحة :

Foreign Direct Investment for Development, Maximizing Benefits, Minimizing Costs, OECD, 2002, Selected Chapters.

لمزيد من المعلومات :

تابعنا علي

فيديو الكلية
