- الكود :
PAD 202
- المستوى :
بيانات المقرر
- ساعات المقرر :
- القسم :
Department of Political Mass Media
بيانات المحتضر :
المجال التعليمى :
This course focuses on the management of human resources practices; highlighting effective tools and methods that positively contribute to the basic success measures of the organization performance. This course seeks to provide students with required skills and tools for managing human resources in different types of organizations: governmental, nongovernmental, public, private, national as well as international. Topics like HR planning, recruitment and selection systems, training and development, performance management, promotion schemes, rewarding and incentive systems in organizational setting are on the top of this course priorities. Students get to understand how HR management practices in real-life organizations through application on case studies and field researches.
Course Goals:
• Define HR management & explain how it contributes to an organization's success.
• Present skills needed for HR management.
• Cover the ethical dimensions in HR management.
• Identify the impact of technological changes on HRM.
• Explain how to develop HR plan needed to carry out the organization's strategy, through introducing the three main phases: recruitment, selection and training.
• Identify the activities involved in performance management and introduce different methods for measuring performance.
• Explain how organizations plan employee development and retain employees.
• Explain how to design pay structures and recognize good performance.
• Empirically study HRM practices.
• Develop competency in the skills necessary to engage in fundamental HR activities.
لمزيد من المعلومات :
This course focuses on the management of human resources practices; highlighting effective tools and methods that positively contribute to the basic success measures of the organization performance. This course seeks to provide students with required skills and tools for managing human resources in different types of organizations: governmental, nongovernmental, public, private, national as well as international. Topics like HR planning, recruitment and selection systems, training and development, performance management, promotion schemes, rewarding and incentive systems in organizational setting are on the top of this course priorities. Students get to understand how HR management practices in real-life organizations through application on case studies and field researches.
لمزيد من المعلومات :
الدورات :
Benjamin J. Inyang, A Case for Performance Management in the Public Sector in Nigeria, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 4, April 2009 (98-105).
URL: http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/viewFile/1182/1135
J. A. Buford and Lindner, J.R., Human Resource Management in Local Government: Concepts and Applications for HRM Students and Practitioners, 1st Edition, South-Western College Pub, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2002.
Nicolas A. Valcik and Teodoro J. Benavides, Practical Human Resources for Public Managers: A Case Study Approach, CRC Press- Taylor and Francis Group LLC, US, 2011
Fayza Z., A Case Study of Human Resource Practices in a Public Sector Silk Factory in Kashmir, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol. I, No. 1, December 2012 (56-64). URL: http://www.ijbmi.org/papers/Vol%281%291/F115664.pdf
Stephen Bach, HR and New Approaches to Public Sector Management: Improving HRM Capacity, Workshop on Global Health Workforce Strategy, World Health Organization: Department of Organization of Health Services Delivery, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001. URL: http://www.who.int/hrh/en/Improving_hrm_capacity.pdf
لمزيد من المعلومات :