Future University In Egypt (FUE)
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New Cairo


Egypt and COMESA

  • المؤلف :
    Zeinab Tawfik El Sayed Ahmed Elewa
  • جهة النشر :
    Journal of African Perspective
  • التاريخ :
  • Abstract :
    The study sought to answer some of the inquiries relating to the role of the African Union to the Economic Development of the continent with taking Egypt and The COMESA countries as a model. The study came to a set of results, the most important of which is that what the African continent needs is a solution to its Economic problems, as the Continent has wealth that helps in the Economic integration but not exploited. Thus the African States became unable to achieve a degree of cooperation that supports Economic relations, as well as to the problem suffered by the Organization of African Unity will be suffered by the Union; hence, it is a must to reconsider the system of Economic groupings within the Continent like COMESA and other, leading to the creation of linkages between the Economic interests of The States of those groupings on the basis of complementarity bring added value to the grouping as well as to facilitate joint projects that brings benefit from the resources and wealth of those States, on condition that it is under a cultural umbrella reaffirms images of the peoples in those countries, creating a new vision based on the many common space areas, which means creating positive opportunities for members of the continent that can be achieved through which Developmental renaissance.
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