Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
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New Cairo

Green Peace and Sustainable Resilience Forum of Economics and Political Science (FEPS-GPSR)

The Green Peace and Sustainable Resilience Forum of Economics and Political Science (FEPS-GPSR) December 3rd, 2024, at the FUE campus, Cairo, Egypt

The theme of FEPS-GPSR Forum sets Green Peace and Sustainable Resilience at its focal point. Debates around green peace have risen over the past years, tackling more and more dilemmas resulting from the acts of humankind towards our planet and ourselves, as well as negotiating methods of curbing, if not dissolving, them. The world has also witnessed the recent COP conferences with significant revolutionary outcomes over the past two years.

The Forum topics cover issues related to Climate Politics in Great Power Relations: Conflict and Cooperation, Economics and Green Peace Dimensions, Political Mass-Media Dimensions and Public Administration and Public Policy Dimensions.

Green Peace and Sustainable Resilience Forum of Economics and Political Science (FEPS-GPSR)

Green Peace and Sustainable Resilience Forum of Economics and Political Science (FEPS-GPSR)

The theme of FEPSGPSR Forum sets Green Peace and Sustainable Resilience at its focal point Debates around green peace have risen over the past years tackling more and more dilemmas resulting from the acts of humankind towards our planet and ourselves TheGreen Peace and Sustainable Resilience Forum of Economics and Political Science FEPSGPSR December rd at the FUE campus Cairo EgyptThe theme of FEPSGPSR Forum sets Green Peace and Sustainable Resilience at its focal point Debates around green peace have risen over the past years tackling more and more dilemmas resulting from the acts of humankind towards our planet and ourselves as well as negotiating methods of curbing if not dissolving them The world has also witnessed the recent COP conferences with significant revolutionary outcomes over the past two yearsThe Forum topics cover issues related to Climate Politics in Great Power Relations Conflict and Cooperation Economics and Green Peace Dimensions Political MassMedia Dimensions and Public Administration and Public Policy Dimensions FUE

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