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New Cairo

List of Courses

Public Policy Analysis

  • Course Code :
    PAD 301
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Department of Economics

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

This course focuses on the concepts and practices in public policy analysis and its relationship with the relevant and interrelated disciplines. It presents the different phases of policy process starting from problem recognition, policy formulation, implementation, evaluation and feedback impact. In addition, it sets out the different roles of both official and non-official actors in policy-making. Qualitative as well as some quantitative analytical tools widely applied in evaluating public policies are covered in this course. Through case studies and simulation games, students learn how to apply public policy analysis approach on real-life multifaceted public issues. Students are trained to produce policy papers and policy briefs as these are considered to be effective tools to reach out for policy-makers. Course Goals: • Offer knowledge and skills essential for problem recognition and definition, agenda setting, creative development of solutions, consequence predictions, decision-making and evaluation. • Build a multidisciplinary perspective in policy analysis. • Discuss the role of public opinion in shaping public policies. • Explore prospects of the impact of virtual media on public policy system. • Highlight the roles of official and nonofficial actors. • Discuss the relationship between bureaucracy and public policy. • Learn about policy-making in international organizations. • Practice public policy analysis through simulation games on real-life policy issues. • Practice how to develop policy papers as well as policy briefs. • Practice how to design advocacy campaigns. • Develop active actors in public service.

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Public Policy Analysis

This course focuses on the concepts and practices in public policy analysis and its relationship with the relevant and interrelated disciplines. It presents the different phases of policy process starting from problem recognition, policy formulation, implementation, evaluation and feedback impact. In addition, it sets out the different roles of both official and non-official actors in policy-making. Qualitative as well as some quantitative analytical tools widely applied in evaluating public policies are covered in this course. Through case studies and simulation games, students learn how to apply public policy analysis approach on real-life multifaceted public issues. Students are trained to produce policy papers and policy briefs as these are considered to be effective tools to reach out for policy-makers.

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Public Policy Analysis

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Identify public policy-making process.
2- Define policy issues accurately.
3- Identify different state and non-state actors in policymaking.
4- Discuss public policy system.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Analyze public policy process rationale.
2- Critically analyze policy issues
3- Develop creative optimal alternative solutions for policy problems.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Analyze public policy dynamic environment.
2- Use different methods and tools to create and analyze policy-relevant information.
3- Apply a proactive approach to prevent problems.
4- Effectively engage in policy-making.
5- Analyze and weigh conflicting interests.
6- Make decisions conforming to the political reality.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Communicate effectively in a group.
2- Practice developing structured tools to collect information.
3- Use scientific tools to analyze data.
4- Practice soft skills through simulation and role playing.

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Public Policy Analysis

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Introductory Lecture and Course Outline 3 1
Introducing the Policy Process 3 1
Elements of the Policy-Making System 3 1
Role of Official Actors in Public Policy 3 1
Role of Unofficial Actors in Public Policy 3 1
Agenda Setting 3 1
Policy Types, Policy Design and Decisions 3 1
Midterm Exam 1
Public Policy in International Organizations 3 1
Policy Implementation 3 1
Public Oversight and Evaluation 3 1
Policy Papers 3 1
Policy Briefs 3 1
Policy Advocacy and New Social Media 3 1
Final Exam 1

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Public Policy Analysis

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Data show and computer in lectures
Demonstration videos
Group discussion
Research Paper

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Public Policy Analysis

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Course Work (Attendance, Participation, Assignments, Quizzes, Research Paper…) 30.00 To assess practical skills and understanding
Final Exam 40.00 15 To assess knowledge and intellectual skills.
Midterm Exam(s) 30.00 8 To assess professional skills.

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Public Policy Analysis


Book Author Publisher

Recommended books :

William N. Dunn, Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.

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