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Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan

Basic information

Name : Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan
Title: Lecturer
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Personal Info: Assistant Lecturer of Political Science at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Future University in Egypt. In 2011, she got her M.Sc. degree in Political Science from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, title: "Muslims in France: Study in Political- Thoughtful Literatures concerning the Identity Problematique". She was a researcher/ executive project coordinator, Civilization Center for Political Studies. She contributed in numerous research projects as well as assisting renowned Political Science professors in their academic researches. She has edited many books. In addition she has assisted in the executive coordination of various research projects. She received her B.Sc in Political Science (French Section) with a minor in Statistics, from Faculty of Economics and Political Science, 2000. View More...


Certificate Major University Year
PhD Political Science 2018
Masters Political Science 2011
Bachelor Political Science 2000

Researches /Publications

Identity Role in Peace Building in a New World Order: A Comparative Study between the Western and the Islamic Perspectives.

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


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نتشار تهدیدات "الإرهاب الأبیض" في الدول الغربیة -White Terrorism

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


أدت العسكرة المتزايدة للعنصرية وتزايد الكراهية للمهاجرين والأقليات والأجانب، ورفض التكلفة الاقتصادية للتكامل الإقليمي والعولمة لتشكل ظاهرة "الإرهاب الأبيض" في الدول الغربية مع تزايد الهجمات الإرهابية ضد الأقليات.

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Islamic Perspective on Democratisation between Theory and Practice: A Comparative Study of the Egyptian and the Tunisian Revolutions

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


Uprising of Islamic dimension is the most important trait of political life post the Arab revolutions especially in Egypt and Tunisia. A great debate among political intellectuals focuses on its reasons and its impact on the long term inside the Egyptian and the Tunisian societies, is it an imposed or a selected alternative of the secular regime? Parliamentary elections in Egypt (The Freedom & Justice Party and the Light Party) and Tunisia (The Renaissance Movement Party), and presidential elections results in Egypt proved that is the people choice which arises the following research problem

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"The Cultural Difference" and "The Culture of Difference: Reading in some Islamic and Western Intellectual Models", (in) Amgad Gebril and Osama Megahed (Eds.), Culture and Studies of Middle East, 1st Arab- Turkish Conference of Social Sciences, Strategic Thought Institute, Ankara

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


The Cultural Difference" and "The Culture of Difference: Reading in some Islamic and Western Intellectual Models

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3) 2007: Aggression and Civilizational Resistance in the War in Lebanon: Significance and Consequences: France's Official Position , Program for Civilization Studies and Dialogue of Cultures, Cairo

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


Aggression and Civilizational Resistance in the War in Lebanon: Significance and Consequences: France's Official Position

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4) 2005: "The Islamic Veil: The French and the European Jurisprudences", Program for Civilization Studies and Dialogue of Cultures, Cairo, 2005.

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


The Islamic Veil: The French and the European Jurisprudences

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5) 2004: "France and Germany Official Position towards the American and British War against Iraq in “My Ummah in the World, Civilization Center for Political Studies, Cairo.

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


France and Germany Official Position towards the American and British War against Iraq

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France and Germany Official Position towards the American and British War against Iraq

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


France and Germany Official Position towards the American and British War against Iraq

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"France's Official Position towards the 9/11 Events", in “My Ummah in the World, Civilization Center for Political Studies, Cairo.

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


"France's Official Position towards the 9/11 Events", in “My Ummah in the World, Civilization Center for Political Studies, Cairo.

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France's Official Position towards the 9/11 Events

Yasmine Zeinelabedine Ahmed Mohamed Radwan


France's Official Position towards the 9/11 Events

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Award Donor Date
FUE Award for Best Teaching Assistant Opera House 2014
FUE Award for MA Thesis. Future University in Egypt 2011
FUE Award for Research. Future University in Egypt 2011

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