- Course Code :
PAD 203
- Level :
- Course Hours :
- Department :
Department of Political Science
Instructor information :
Area of Study :
This course introduces concepts of local systems, local government and local administration. It presents a comparative analysis of different local government systems to show their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, students in this course overview local government reforms in some developed countries to provide them with insights on the factors that have driven local government reforms and the effects of those reforms. Students study the contemporary trends in administrative decentralization. The course also describes the structure, funding functions and problems of local government in some selected countries with important application of local systems' problems and development in Egypt.
Course Goals:
• Introduce students to the field of comparative local systems and discuss the nature, usefulness of comparative local government study.
• Explore the levels of the local government and the concept of decentralization.
• Describe the structure, functions and problems of local government in Egypt and some selected countries.
• Focus on the local Administration Reform and Development Administration
For further information :
This course introduces concepts of local systems, local government and local administration. It presents a comparative analysis of different local government systems to show their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, students in this course overview local government reforms in some developed countries to provide them with insights on the factors that have driven local government reforms and the effects of those reforms. Students study the contemporary trends in administrative decentralization. The course also describes the structure, funding functions and problems of local government in some selected countries with important application of local systems' problems and development in Egypt.
For further information :
Recommended books :
Freed Harold Alderfer, Local Government in Developing Countries, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964.
O. P. Dwivedi and Keith M. Henderson, Public Administration in World Perspective, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1990. (Chapter 2 Policy Developments and Administrative Changes in the Arab World).
Fumihiko Saito, Foundations for Local Governance: Decentralization in Comparative Perspective, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2008, (Chapter 1 Decentralization and Local Governance: Introduction and Overview).
The Annals of American Academy, Kjellberg, Francesco, “The Changing Values of Local Government”, AAPSS, 540, July 1995, (40-50).
United Nations, Innovations in Governance in the Middle East, North Africa, and Western Balkans. Making Governments Work Better in the Mediterranean Region, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York: United Nations Publication, 2007.
E. H. Valsan, (ed) Democracy, Decentralization and Development: Selected International Experiences. International Association of schools and Institutes of Administration, 1999.
Ferrel Heady, Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective. Florida: Taylor and Francis, 2001.
Samuel Humes, Local Governance and National Power. New York: Harvester Weatsheaf, 1991.
Jamil E Jreisat, Comparative Public Administration and Policy, Colorado: Westview Press, 2002.
Linda Keen, Local Government Management: The Rhetoric and Reality of Change, Open University Press, 1998.
Desmond S. King and Jon Pierre (ed), Challenges to Local Government, London: Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1990.
A.F. Leemans, Changing Patterns of Local Government, The Hague: International Union of Local Authorities, 1970.
James Mayfield, Local Government in Egypt, Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 1996.
Alan Norton, International Handbook of Local and Regional Government: A Comparative Analysis of Advanced Democracies. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar, 1994.
Periodicals :
Morroe Berger, "Bureaucracy East and West", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 4,Mar., 1957, (518-529).
Royston Greenwood, "Changing Patterns of Budgeting in English Local Government", Public Administration, Vol. 61 summer 1983 (149-168).
Jamil E Jreisat, "Comparative Public Administration and Africa", International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 76, No.4, 2010, (612–631).
Mick Moore, "Revenues, State Formation, and the Quality of Governance in Developing Countries," International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique, Vol. 25, No. 3, The Nation-State and Globalization: Changing Roles and Functions. Les États nations et la globalisation: Roles et fonctions en mutation, Jul., 2004, (297-319).
For further information :