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List of Courses

Covering Conflicts

  • Course Code :
    PMM 412
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Department of Political Mass Media

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

In the same way that the dust of the battlefield limits the vision of warriors, it does with cameras. In times of conflicts facts and realities become vague and hard to locate especially if the journalist or the media organization has ties with one of the parties involved. This course explains the proper role media should play in covering conflicts, relations with the different parties involved and the precautions a journalist should be aware of to be able to conduct the needed professional coverage. Course Goals: • Cover conflicts objectively and professionally. • Think ethically while covering conflicts. • Work under pressure. • Produce balanced stories. • Write clearly, concisely and correctly. • Provide visuals that enhance the story.

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Covering Conflicts

In the same way that the dust of the battlefield limits the vision of warriors, it does with cameras. In times of conflicts facts and realities become vague and hard to locate especially if the journalist or the media organization has ties with one of the parties involved. This course explains the proper role media should play in covering conflicts, relations with the different parties involved and the precautions a journalist should be aware of to be able to conduct the needed professional coverage.

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Covering Conflicts

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Comprehend the importance of studying the history of the war/conflict before conducting the coverage
2- Understand the war-time reporting dilemma

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Assess the possible legal and political consequences involved in approaching all sides of a conflict
2- Estimate the effect that the story will have on the public.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Create clear, concise and correct news stories
2- Collect information from people affected by the conflict as well as experts and man on the street
3- Practice professional and ethical decisions during war-time reporting

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Use computers and the Internet.
2- Work in a team environment.
3- Translate to and from other languages.
4- Apply practical and professional problem solving

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Covering Conflicts

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Introduction and syllabus 3 1
Defining Conflicts and Wars 3 1
Studying History and Culture: Does it Matter? 3 1
Safety Precautions and Survival/Professional Kit 3 1
Relationships: Translator-Reporter-Editor 3 1
Office Reporting of Conflict: How Common/Accurate? 3 1
Living inside the Conflict: Benefits and Harms 3 1
Midterm Exam 1
Dilemmas: Assimilation with the Victim, Influence of Nationality 3 1
Dilemmas: Being Embedded and Maintaining Objectivity 3 1
Dilemmas: Injuries and Personal Revenge in Coverage 3 1
Legal Challenges from "Talking with the Enemy" 3 1
Workshop: Reporting Minor Local Conflict (I) 3 1
Workshop: Reporting Minor Local Conflict (II) 3 1
Final Exam 1

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Covering Conflicts

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Data show and computer in lectures
Lectures by instructor
Tutorials by assistant
Screening of videos
Group discussion
Group project

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Covering Conflicts

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Course Work (Attendance, Participation, Workshops and Assignments) 30.00 To assess understanding, theoretical background of the intellectual skills and practical skills.
Final Exam 40.00 15 To assess knowledge and intellectual skills
Midterm Exam 30.00 8 To assess professional skills

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Covering Conflicts


Book Author Publisher

Periodicals :

David Allen, "Interview Effects in the Reporting of Domestic Violence," The Journal of Socio-economics, 38, 2, 2009 Karin Dobernig et. al., "Covering Conflict: Differences in Visual and Verbal News Coverage of the Gaza Crisis 2009 in Four Weekly News Media," Journal of Visual Literacy, 29, 1, 2010

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