This course defines the basic concepts of good governance, integrity, values, morals, ethics and corruption. Students discuss how individual conduct can be judged in terms of integrity. It explores the relationship between religion and integrity. The decisive roles of official and non-official actors in promoting integrity in organizations and society are defined. Students learn to analyze global rating indices for corruption and integrity and compare different developed and developing countries investigating key factors and tools to achieve integrity. In the course, students are exposed to cases that illustrate different types of integrity violations such as abuse of power, misuse and manipulation of information, discrimination, waste and abuse of organization resources. In addition, policy ethics are defined in relation to integrity of governance.
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Periodicals :
Adams, G. and D.L. Balfour, Towards Restoring Integrity in Praetorian Times. The Value of ‘Putting Cruelty First’. Public Integrity, Vol. 14 ,No.4: 2012 (325-339).
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